In the world of project management, adhering to industry best practices is the norm. However, not all firms deliver the same level of quality service. It can be difficult to gauge a firm’s commitment and integrity just by visiting their website, as there is a wide range of outcomes, from successful delivery to major disappointment.

At R&R Wolf Construction, we have encountered clients who have faced challenges with previous project management firms. This experience has prompted us to share valuable insights in this blog. Whether you are in need of support for design management, facility management, company relocation, project logistics, or other initiatives, it is crucial to be vigilant during the outsourcing vetting process.

1. Questionable Listening Skills:

Exceptional PM groups allow you to lead discussions, addressing unique concerns with specificity rather than relying on a generic sales script. Look for candidates who have done homework on your business, and come prepared with key questions that delve into the heart of your project challenges.

2. Lack of Relevant Success Stories:

Evaluate the candidate’s background in handling projects of similar size and scope. Ensure they can cite specific wins in your industry, facility type, or budget ballpark. Anticipate niche challenges by partnering with a team experienced in addressing similar stakeholders and ask for examples of localized problems they’ve confronted in comparable projects.

3. Zero Collaborative Skill:

The purpose of hiring a project management firm is to transfer new initiatives off your plate. Be cautious of partners’ content to take your budget and run. Quality PMs outline project components that require your input, being upfront about project variables and change control to ensure shared objectives and positive results.

4. Less than Complete Transparency:

Beware of PMs who hide behind project complexity to avoid answering questions directly. Don’t be intimidated by jargon and charts; judge candidates based on how well they can translate their work into your terms. Prioritize candidates by offering solid explanations and transparency regarding contractors, software, vendors, etc.

5. A Lousy Contract:

Even if everything seems great initially, protect your business from potential issues by drafting a solid termination clause. Avoid common mistakes in your PM contract, including fuzzy performance standards, the incomplete scope of services, and unclear provisions about job site safety and risk management factors.

For more insights into project management services, check out our blog, “5 Key Responsibilities of a Project Manager” outlining key responsibilities. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us at (508) 699-3630 or We value your feedback and look forward to hearing from you!